
📢 MLCM-25 registration is open!

📢 MLCM-25 registration is open!

I am excited to announce that registration for our conference Machine Learning in Chemical and Materials Sciences 2025 [MLCM-25] is now open! 🧪

  • If you are an early-career scientist, such as a graduate student or postdoc, we encourage you to submit a poster or register for attendance. MLCM-25 offers a valuable opportunity to connect with peers and renowned scientists while learning about state-of-the-art machine learning in chemistry.
  • If you are an ML expert, we invite you to contribute a talk for consideration. Simply email the organizers, and we will be happy to review your submission and address any questions. MLCM-25 features dynamic resource hubs where you can showcase your most significant codes/contributions/job openings. Additionally, networking events and poster sessions provide excellent opportunities to connect with rising stars in the field.
  • see MLCM-25 website for more details

Important Info

Dates May 19-22, 2025
Format In-Person only
Location Santa Fe, New Mexico, US
Venue Hotel Santa Fe
Fee Students/Postdocs/LANL - $200, General - $350

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